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Shouldn't you be looking at porn or something?

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What I learned about Social Life on Co-op (a.k.a. The Story So Far)

1. Never stop smiling.
2. Know what you're talking about.
3. Think of ways you can make everyone else more comfortable. Constantly.
4. Duvets. Duvets everywhere.
5. If you think you're right, convince them. Winning an argument is not throwing shame, anger, sarcasm doubt or even incontrovertable evidence on the opposition's beliefs, but instead its convincing the other person of your points of view.
6. Always always always push that little bit more.
7. Don't stop working.
8. Get out more. Clubs'n'shit.
9. Early mornings are healthier. Getting shit done before 12 changes the whole day.
10. Exercise three times a week at least.
11. Keep conversation alive. Unless #3.
12. Try not to be such a raging dickbrain.
13. Tea. Biscuits. You don't eat them. Other people do.
14. Be more interested. In everything. Especially in how things work. Not why. That's the physicist's job. But how.
15. Don't force your hobbies on others if it conflicts with #3. Which it will. Almost always.
16. Everyone loves movie nights.
17. Have beer ready for other people. Have spirits ready for yourself.
18. Your laptop, games and music are only little safety blankets to stop you from thinking. Get away from them more.
19. You like it when people ask for your help, ergo, other people like it when you ask for their help, ergo this notion that you only annoy people when you ask for their help is completely and utterly wrong.
20. 5 Things They Never Told Us: Daniel O'Brien on is the truest thing ever written.
---You don't become an adult. You suddenly are one.
----------------Hence, get a grip and learn how to pay bills and fill out forms.
---Almost everything you're doing is absolutely meaningless.
----------------Especially in college. Hence, have more of a life. It's not what you know, it's how well you can pretend you know what you're doing.
---You've lost the energy you had when you were young.
----------------Uhhhh. I dunno 'bout this one. I was a pretty boring 14 year old. Hence, try do more stupid stuff now.
---You'll have you're last summer and not even realise it.
----------------Hence, go abroad. Asap.
---You're an idiot and will change you're life outlook every 2 years.
21. Hug more.
22. Bitches Girls love it when you just go for it.
23. Just because they offer you food does not mean you always take it. It's their food. Not yours.
24. Organise more stuff. Any stuff. 
25. Always try to end on a multiple of 5.
26. Be way more confident.

Most Important Rule: 

Learn To Ask The Right Questions.

Then you'll get the answers you want.

Remember this for the Fourth Year Project.
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I honestly don't know what to say after this, guys. I'll talk to ya soon. Go and get drunk and wake up in the next country or something . . .


Killbot said...

Good work, soldier! It's true, Co-Op (Not the Halo kind) teaches you a lot about Life And Shit. Glad you're being proactive!

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